Blog Post #4: 2025-The Year of Being Intentional

Happy New Year everyone!

Welp, we’ve made it to 2025. It feels like 2024 absolutely flew by, and I can’t believe we’re already at the start of a new year. For some reason, I have good feelings about 2025. This year feels like money, prosperity, and success.

Every year, I try to pick a word that will be my theme for that year. Last year the theme was “productivity,” and I feel proud to say that I took that very seriously. I spent many nights up business planning, starting to discover hobbies, and saying yes to trying things I never thought I would. I’d say I chose the correct word to stick to for 2024 because it lead me to many opportunities I would not have been privy to otherwise.

This year is the year of being intentional. I chose “intentional” to be my word of the year for various reasons:

  • I’m making some pretty big changes (Most specifically health-wise). In December, I underwent a pretty major surgery in order to improve my health. When I was going through my pre-op prep, I had to speak with a therapist, and one of the things she stressed to me was intentional eating. Basically this means being mindful of what I’m putting into my body and why. Because I’m approaching 25 very soon (and everyone says it all starts to go downhill from here lol) I am choosing to be intentional about my health, what I do and put into my body, and working on how I feel internally so that I can feel and look my best externally. I chose to take this thought process and apply it to other areas of my life, hence why I’m emphasizing the importance of intentions for the year.

  • I’m set on having only good people around me. We all hear about leaving people in the previous year. Unfortunately for them, this time I’m standing on business behind that. I’ve taken a lot of time in the last year reflecting on my friendships and interactions with those around me, and I know what type of friends I want in my life. As an adult, there are ways I need people to show up for me that I never thought about before. I’m not perfect, and I have my own ways that I want to intentionally show up for people in my life as well, but I also have the tendency to go above and beyond for people who tend to leave me in the dust. No more of that. I’m intentionally choosing people that I share my time and intimate moments with because it gets exhausting to be the person there for everyone and not feeling as though you have that in return.

  • I think it will increase my drive. As I mentioned, I feel like 2025 is going to be a big year of success for some reason. I want to remain focused on achieving my goals for this year, and I think that intentionally and strategically planning out my moves will help me get where I want to be.

I am super excited to see where this year takes me. I have so much in store personally, I’m excited for what’s to come with TLR, and overall, I just really wish for the best for myself and my loved ones. Here’s to making this year a good one!

P.S. I want to know- What’s your word of the year for 2025?


Blog Post # 5: It’s Okay to Be Delusional About Your Goals


Blog Post #3: The Year of Productivity